Swiss Chard
So today we're continuing down the list of seeds that we have (and may possibly plant). This plant is known as Swiss chard with...

Looong Anticipated Plan for This Yearish
This is the rough draft of what we are planning to plant and where. The map is off mainly because I'm really bad at judging distance and...

Soil Methods
So our topic of this week is once again about soil. This time though, we decided to take time to do actual research on what "healthy"...

Dirty Work
Here is the long anticipated snow!! It's not actually that much as you can still see the grass peeking through, but it's kinda weird...

Research: Pepper
Well more specifically the effect of black pepper when used in gardening, a natural pesticide. I came across this by trying to figure out...

Benefits of Death
So everyone probably knows something about the cycle of life and death from various interpretations of Lion King. In terms of gardening,...

The Time is Here
So...everything basically died. The cold weather has finally arrived and the plants have succumbed. Judging from their currently...

The Start of the Cleansing
Normally we start terminating the plants when it gets sufficiently cold enough that the plants would just die anyway. However, with our...

Throwback Thursday Part 2
And we're back again with part 2! Tomato by the Peppers Honestly, these are my favorite group of tomatoes since they consistently produce...

Morristown Hunger Walk 2017
Yesterday, we went to the Hunger Walk for the Community Soup Kitchen in Morristown! This year, there were many new freshman faces! :)...