Aria was getting concerned about the carrots since its kind of hard to see how they're growing. Thus we did some research and most of the...

This is a combination of Wednesday's harvest and an update for Friday (AKA today). I forgot to mention in the previous post that Ms....

So... it's been a while
The last post was July 7 so it's about two weeks later and about a week late for an update. Sorry! Despite the lack of posts, visits to...

General Garden Update
So we'll just go over the progress of the garden so far based on the last meeting of July 5th. (This is going to be a post full of...

Cantaloupe Update
So does everyone remember the previous blog about the cantaloupe incident? We decided to simply pot it and let it grow. It's growing...

Dear Future Gardener.....
About a week ago, an interesting incident occurred with the germinating seeds (or young "sproutlings"). Normally when labeling seeds, it...

PEA-k a Boo
In the Garden, pods have begun to sprout on the pea plants! It's fabulous to think that it is only June and the plants have grown this...

Everything is Dying (Garden-Related)
So far, the status of everything in the garden: Lettuce - exists a sign of life Cucumbers - officially dead (Nothing but clovers which,...

Oops, Haven't Posted in like Forever
Hi all!! I am so sorry it has been such a long time since I have blog posted! Life has been really crazy recently, but spring break is...

Garden Girl Power
Sometimes photos say more than words. Above is our attendance photo from Monday gardening which was all girls and Aakriti is jumping up...