Oops, Haven't Posted in like Forever

Hi all!! I am so sorry it has been such a long time since I have blog posted! Life has been really crazy recently, but spring break is approaching and I know I am excited!! The past few weeks we have been very busy preparing for the art sale, selling donuts and gardening. Above is a photo of Lexi, who practiced face painting this week! We also learned how to make origami cranes as well. Also please note we are having a poster photo contest, please pick up event posters from 216 if you did not get any or need more. Hang up the art sale event posters around your town in local places (such as coffee shops, libraries, etc) and take a photo of you with the poster hung up! The top three who have the most photos of posters hung up around NJ will win a prize! Any questions or concerns, please contact us! Next week we will be meeting on Monday and Wednesday, please join in on the fun!
Before next week, we have an event! On Sunday April 9th the event we have all been waiting for has finally arrived!! The annual Rutgers Trip to support Cookies for Kids Cancer!! An email was sent to you with all the information you need, but in case it was not, here is what you need to know:
1. You must have already handed in BOTH of your forms (yes there are TWO forms!)
2. Meet in front of MH at 4:45 AM (yes the morning!) this coming Sunday April 9 to take the bus with us.
3. If you are not taking the bus with us and your parents are driving you instead, we will be arriving at Rutgers at 6 AM, so you will have to find us.
4. If you have your own ride there you cannot take the bus back, your own ride must come and get you when we are done.
5. Dress in layers, we will be outside and its cold in the early morning. Also wear sneakers!
6. Bring water and snacks!
7. Bring breakfast with you and know that they will be giving us vouchers for lunch. I have no idea what lunch is this year, in the past it was PB&J (which Carrie and I cannot eat). The word "voucher" gives us hope that maybe we will have a better selection of food for lunch, but who knows!
8. Just have fun, get wet and cheer loud!