Alexa's Night Before the First Meeting of the 2016-2017 School Year Message

So tomorrow September 14, 2016 is the first HOPE Meeting of the 2016-2017 school year and this is my last minute night before message. If you are a new member and tomorrow is your first day with us or if you are a returning member I want you to know that HOPE Club is a club you cannot find anywhere else. Knolls may have their own version, but ours is the original. HOPE Club is my everything and I do not think I would have survived high school so far without it. I only have one year left in Morris Hills but HOPE Club is forever, it is eternal. Once you join hope club, become an active member and fall in love with its importance and purpose, I hope that you too will realize that HOPE Club is something you cannot live without. HOPE Club is about helping others because you want to. HOPE Club is about trying new things and meeting new people because you want to. HOPE Club is your choice. The effort and dedication you put into HOPE Club can help make a positive impact on the world. HOPE Club is all about giving hope to those who need it and that includes the local and global community, but that also includes you as well. If you are in need of hope we are here for you. We want to see you, we want to be your friend, we want you to be involved. If you are at our meeting tomorrow, thank you for choosing to spend your Wednesday afternoon with us and thank you for showing your interest in joining us to give hope to the world.