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When The Officers Forget to Blog Post

The first gif my sister sent me after updating to iOS 10 was this one above of Dory. I'm pretty sure in this scene Dory is saying, "Do yah? Do yah? Do yah? Do yah?" If Dory doesn't say this in this scene than I apologize for not memorizing the movie yet, I'm working on it, its on my bucket list. So anyways the officers may have had an experience similar to Dory since Wednesday, perhaps we forgot to blog post to review the meeting or just forgot to plan to blog to begin with, I'm not quite sure.

Anyways enough about Dory and more about our first general meeting of the year on Wednesday! Luckily Amy took awesome notes on the meeting!

Funny how she mentioned that we would blog post everyday after every meeting and even I forgot!

Anyways back to the meeting itself, I started the meeting and then Hazel, Rima and Anirudh mostly took over and showed the website. We now have sixteen website members! Then us eight officers who were there didn't notice the stack of field trips on the front desk so we thought we ran out and had to make more and that was awkward when we found them afterwards. Then Johan and Matt kind of took over and started to lead the activity of the meeting. We began to work on the mental health display case. Matt and Matt (yes there are two!) punched out letters to trace, while Katie, Leslie and Brianna organized them. Abby drew a beautiful flower which is perfect (this will be explained later) and then it was time for the late bus. The meeting went very quickly and we also had a lot of information to explain so hopefully it wasn't too overwhelming, I am very sorry if it was and next time we won't throw everything out there at once.

Today the officers met after school to trace the letters the members punched out on Wednesday to create the theme that the club voted on Wednesday. The display case is all about mental health and suicide prevention awareness. We covered the entire background in black so that the letters would stand out but also because all the members will take part in this at the next meeting! Just like Abby, who drew a beautiful flower, members will get to draw pictures, write positive messages, research quotes and facts and create their own designs to add into the display case. We are going to cover all the black paper (or as much as possible) with what all the members want to add. Every member gets to create their own piece of the display case and then we will use all of them to make it like a collage. This display case is really important because we want to help those students of Morris Hills who may feel alone or sad and we want this display case to help cheer them up and know that they are not alone and they will be okay. Exactly one month from today on October 19 we will have a guest speaker come in and talk about mental health and suicide prevention!

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