Mental Health Display Case, Points Update and Operation Holiday Child

We completed the mental health display case the morning of Thursday September 29, 2016 just in time for October, Mental Health Awareness Month. In the end Kate, Rima, Matt, Nicole and Annie put in the final pieces to complete the display. It is filled with facts, information, quotes, and artwork that the members gathered and created during our general meeting last Wednesday. The display case is in the downstairs science wing right outside of room 163 and it will be up for the entire month of October. Check it out and also remember that we have a guest speaker coming on October 19th to speak with us about mental health awareness and suicide presentation. For more information read the beautiful flyer that Karen made here.

Also after Hazel blog posted we decided to change the leaderboard to the top ten, eventually we will change it to the top twenty and if we have enough active members it might even become the top twenty-five or top thirty or even top thirty-five. So here is the top ten here, you can also click Leaderboard to see this. We will also add a date section so you know when the points were updated but I will add that after I finish this blog post so you won't see it in this screenshot of it.

We also have started collecting for Operation Holiday Child, we actually started last Wednesday but we messed up the calendar, so just ignore the dates for now and bring in this stuff ASAP. If you can bring in these items for this coming general meeting on Wednesday October 5th that would be great. You receive one point per item you donate and at the end of the four weeks there will be a total of twelve items to bring in. Be sure to sign in your items so that you receive points for them. You can find a full link to all these information pages on the Member Information section of this website.