A Successful Can Shake & Points Update

Hey guys! We had a very successful can shake yesterday (Monday Oct. 3rd) at QuickCheck. Shoutout to thank that one random guy who donated a twenty dollar bill. In the end, HOPE Members Nicole, Aakriti, Annie, Matt, Francisco, Johan, and Hazel raised $189.92! That is enough to buy 18 ball and pump sets for Operation Holiday Child! It was a bit crazy because the same address that led Hazel to QuickCheck led Aakriti to the wrong QuickCheck on Exit 30! We all made it though and had a lot of fun. Also, Hazel updated the points and the leaderboard....There is no longer a tie for first place, although there is one for seventh place! Check it out yourselves on the Leaderboard. See you guys at tomorrow's meeting!