Hunger Walk 2016

Today October 16, 2016 many members of the HOPE Club traveled to Morristown for the annual Hunger Walk. It was the first time for many of our members, while others this was there second, third or even fourth time. This walk was my fourth time and remains as the only event I have done all four years of high school as the other events I do will total out to two or three times. Hazel and I stood next to each other again in the off center like last year. We had a bigger group than last year which was awesome. The shirts were a teal color this year, which is awesome for food allergy awareness.
Anyways this was the best photo out of all of them, I didn't want to post the other one because those towards the left side would have killed me if I posted it, I still sent it to all the teachers that use my photos just so I wouldn't just send one random one. Also the angle it was on wasn't so great for posting purposes. I didn't even take these photos but I emailed them anyways. But I'm apparently not that short since if you look closely for whatever reason Kristen stood directly behind me. It looks really weird but of course she's like that in all of them. You can barely see the top of her head above mine. We commented over Instagram and she said she was hiding from the camera, I guess we can say she did an okay job.
Enough about the photo itself and instead about the actual walk. We all met at school at 11:45 and then got bused to the Morristown Community Soup Kitchen. We got our story cards, maps, balloons and t-shirts, took the photo above and then began the walk. We followed the route and stopped at all the story stations to get our cards so we could learn more about the person in the story. All these stories are from real life experiences and I think there are at least 35 different ones. They were all about people in need and how the soup kitchen helped them. By walking the Hunger Walk we show support towards the soup kitchen and that we care about those in need of food.
When we finished the walk we got the final story cards and then got a free giant green bag of stuff along with a free lunch. There were a few different kinds of soup, bread, fruit and cookies. After lunch we found our bus and went back to Morris Hills. We arrived exactly at 3:00 or shall I say 2:59. Today was super fun and everyone had a great time. Remember that this Wednesday at 7 AM we have gardening and after school on Wednesday in 216 we have a general meeting where we will be welcoming our guest speaker Ms. Perry to speak with us about Mental Health. We also have an officer meeting this Monday after school in 216 if anyone would like to join to be our "member point of view", you will get extra points for this! Also we have the FARE Walk this Saturday at 11 AM, please turn in your field trip forms ASAP if you haven't already.