Yearbook Club Photo & Other Updates from 12/7

Hello all! I just uploaded our yearbook club photo. I also have not blog posted in a really long time. I am really sorry about that, time is flying and I keep running out of time. Anyways on Monday we had another officer meeting, remember that any member can come to our officer meetings for additional points. Then on Wednesday we had a general meeting with our yearbook photo and pizza. Thankfully Briel was there to take our yearbook photo. We had pizza to celebrate the success of our 23 boxes for Operation Holiday Child. We also began discussing the upcoming Rutgers Trip and plans for the garden and art sale. We also talked about the next meeting on December 21st. Remember to sign up in the google classroom if you choose to bring food, games, movies and or a cash donation. Also there should be lemon ice since it was rock hard at our meeting on Wednesday, this time we should take it out earlier to defrost. There was also a TI meeting Thursday night, the next one is December 28th. That's all for now, see you at our Holiday Bash on the 21st!