How to Make Apple Crumble

On Wednesday and Thursday December 14 & 15 we made a total of 17 apple crumbles to add to the Holiday baskets that another club is putting together. Above Brooke and Lexi are making the crumble part for the apple crumble. Below Arianna and Ali are placing the apples nicely on trays to prepare them for the next stage when the crumble is put on top. It was super fun and easy to make! The apples we used were the ones we peeled and sliced a few weeks ago. Everything is going to local families in need!

Also recently we are sponsoring Project Kind for Mr. Cappuccio to help him collect lightly used winter clothes such as coats. We also had a grant fall through this week, unfortunately we were unable to raise enough money. Please remember to sign up to bring snacks, games or holiday movies for our Holiday Party from 3-6 this coming Wednesday the 21st. Ms. Baur will also be speaking to us this Wednesday about the garden and we may create a quick garden commercial as well. Also please pick up Rutgers permission slips on the door of 216 and return both forms (there are two) signed as soon as possible. There is a TI meeting at the rockaway senior center on December 28th at 7 PM if you are looking for something to do over the holiday break. TI will be holding some type of game and/or movie night over holiday break as well if you are interested in "partying" again with us. And in case for some reason we need to make apple crumble again, here is the recipe from Ms. T.