Week of 2/27-3/3

Shreya we see you hiding back there!! This photo I believe is from Monday for attendance since we forgot to take attendance. On Monday 2/27 we had our first donut and hot chocolate sale. We completely sold out of donuts, sold a few hot chocolates and in the end made about $66 profit! The donut sale only lasted about a half hour and only a few volunteers were needed to sell the donuts. The rest of us were up in 216 researching our plants. Nicole and Matt made us all a template that we each copied and then wrote our own information in for our plants.
Then we had a general meeting on Wednesday 3/1. During this meeting we had the members write thank you letters to those who donated to our grant. We also made posters for upcoming can shakes and each for next year's club fair! We also scheduled a can shake for Sunday March 12th at Applebee's from 12-6, there is still the shift of 2-4 open. Contact us if you would like to can shake, earn some points and just spend some time with your friends!
Then on Thursday 3/2 we had our second garden meeting of the week. During this meeting we finished up our research for our plants and added photos to our posters for the can shakes. We also took down our main desk garden display case so that the cast of the musical could put up their display. Our garden display case was up for a long time. And actually I believe our mental health display case is still up.
Next week we are meeting twice! We have a garden meeting on Monday 3/6 to organize our research data, create a calendar, and begin planting those plants that have to be planted 6-8 weeks before the last frost. Then on Thursday 3/9 we have an officer/art sale meeting. For this meeting we will have updates on the art sale, and plan the next general meeting which is Wednesday 3/15. We also need to make new posters for our upcoming donut sales on March Mondays 13, 20 and 27. We probably will not do hot chocolate again, but instead juice boxes. Check your inbox, as we may be asking for donations of juice boxes! Also please remember your Rutger's forms as we are almost out of space!