New Discoveries & Harvest
On the 12th we harvested A LOT of tomatoes, cucumbers, okra, and peppers! When I say (write) A LOT I mean 2 bags!!! There were also plenty of peppers; some of them were at an awkward angle to cut off but we were successful in the end.

(Tomato upper left)
(Tomato upper right)
(Pepper, Okra, Cucumber bottom)

On the 14th we discovered that some of the okra have grown large enough to harvest. Either I missed one when we were harvesting or they just grow that fast. To save my ego I'm going to go with the second option for now.

Recall the tomato plants spontaneously appearing in the okra AND weed boxes. Well its happened again. The victim this time is the pea bed. Nicole says we can't be positive that it's not a weed, BUT that's what we thought about the tomatoes in the okra! The leaves definitely resemble tomato plant leaves but I'm pretty sure Nicole won't be convinced until it starts sprouting flowers.

To top it all of we looked up the plants growing over the potatoes since they got bigger. Apparently this is normal for potato plants but its also slightly morbid. According to the website, you can tell when the potatoes are ready for harvest once the plant has died. I'm not sure if this is going to turn out well since the weather might get cold soon. This means that the plant might die due to weather rather than the potato being ripe and we'll accidentally harvest premature potatoes. Fingers crossed that it doesn't happen!!

Until next time!!