First Week of School
Its the first week of school and since we now spend more time in the garden, we happened to notice a few plants that had escaped our notice previously. For instance in the weed boxes, there are cucumbers growing alongside the mysterious tomatoes. If you have a keen eye, you might've noticed that in the right picture the cucumber is NOT on the ground. Its actually dangling in the air! What happened is that for whatever reason the squash vine started growing along the top of the weeds/tomato plants. We're a little worried that if the cucumber starts getting too heavy, then the entire plant will fall but being in the air doesn't seem to have too much effect on the cucumber.

The tomatoes growing by the weed box are really red now and should be ready for harvest (Thank god cause the leaves are all dying...) !!! We have to wait for next week to harvest though because the food pantry only accepts food towards the beginning of the week.

The pink jumbo banana squash has sprouted new tiny squash and hopefully they're be able to grow large enough before the weather gets too cold. The cantaloupe and watermelon have been growing as well though not as quick as we'd like.

(Watermelon left)
(PJB Squash middle)
(Cantaloupe right)
Neither I nor Nicole believe that the zucchini plant is going to produce any more zucchini but we've got our fingers crossed! The peppers in contrast are doing splendidly!! The ones that grow by the tomatoes are turning bright red cause they are bell peppers. On the other side, the peppers that grow by the watermelon (they don't turn red since they're a different type) are producing peppers at a slightly alarming rate. One or two of the plants have even fallen because the weight was too much!

The okra (like the peppers) are also growing at a rapid pace. This is a clearer picture than the one i took in a previous post since you'll be able to see the plant (well the part you'd need to harvest) more clearer.

Potatoes are weird plants. It's also kind of hard to keep track of because its in the ground. However recently plants have sprouted up in the approximate area the potatoes were. Only two out of the three spuds have plants so we're not sure yet if its an actual plant or just weeds.