First PLANTing
It's been a while but at the March 20 meeting (over a month ago whoops :( ) we began planting seeds! We planted mustard, lettuce, swiss chard, and cabbage.

(There's Thomas, the other GT gardener on the right with his back turned)
Then of course we went on spring break. On April 9, a lot of them already had started germinating.

April 11, tiny seedlings are sprouting!!!

On April 19, most of the plants were growing quite well! Except for the (I think) romaine and iceberg lettuce. We also noticed that at the time we checked on the plants (around 7:50 am) the lights were off! The lights are vital since they are what give the seedlings 'sunlight'. It turned out that the lights were just on a timer and we had happened to see them at a time they were scheduled to be off. This should be interesting since generally in other years, we just left the lights on at all times but this year it'll better mimic the sun rising and setting.

Later on, the lettuce was worrying us and since it might've been because of lack of 'sun'light, we decided to rotate them and move them around. Since the lettuce was on the far left, we moved it to be in the center and shifted the center tray to the left. Hopefully they'll start germinating soon!