Well...That's Terrific
Remember how in the last post I mentioned that in the next post (this one) I would have a picture of the greenhouse. I have the picture but in case you haven't already seen or noticed, the greenhouse went through a transformation over the past weekend. On the bright side, it now resembles a piece of modern art and is actually pretty cool to look at. On the other side, well, we can't really use it in it's current condition. People are currently looking into whether or not it can be fixed. Fingers crossed that it can!!

In terms of plants, the ones we moved to the outside window boxes are doing okayish. They're still alive but we're a little worried about the weather, especially with how wacko its been lately .

The indoor plants are doing amazing! Most of the squash has sprouted as well as some cilantro and a LOT of the tomato.

The plants on Wednesday.

The plants on Friday. The middle picture doesn't show it, but some of the seedlings sprouted, they're just really small.
See you next week!