Operation Holiday Child 2018

Operation Holiday Child is a project where students of Morris Hills Hope Club assemble boxes to give to children who may have never received a gift before. This year we focused on compiling boxes for 10-14 year old boys as they are usually the group that receives the least amount of presents.

Each week we had members create the posters requesting students and staff to bring in specific items. Those who turned in items or made posters received points. Teachers were also very generous in their donations. They continued to support the cause participating in Jean Day. We added these donations to the collected items from previous years to fill the boxes. Some students arrived before school to wrap the boxes as well.

On November 6, 2018, we packaged the collected items into the previously wrapped boxes.
48 members participated in this event for an hour and a half to help package each box.
Each box included:
A jump rope or card game or toys
4 sports balls sometimes including an air pump
A flashlight with batteries
A shirt or a pair of jeans
A calculator or notebook
A pencil sharpener or a box of crayons
Multiple pencils
A comb or brush
A set of toothbrushes
A set of markers
As well as an encouraging card beautifully made by our members (signed “MH hope”)
We were able to fill 30 boxes, a new Morris Hills record! We would like to thank all of the participants of this activity: students who made posters, brought in items, or wrapped the boxes. In addition, we would like to acknowledge the teachers who also brought in items or made donations which made this all possible.
Thank you all! It would not be possible for Operation Holiday Child to be as huge of a success as it was without you. Thank you for making the holiday of a 10-14 year old boy incredibly special.

We can not wait to continue the success for Operation Holiday Child next year!