Weekend Foods!
As some of you may know, throughout the school year this year, HOPE club started up a new initiative where we gather food in our school food pantry to donate to students within our school that would benefit from having food support over breaks, weekends and the summer. In the past we've mostly done things like dry and canned goods but we've really been able to expand this year (with some help to the baking committee and all HOPE club members) to create baskets for the spring filled with a variety of foods. In the spring baskets we had cookies made by baking members but now thanks to the support of LocalShare, we've been able to include a lot more fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables, milk and meats that may have previously gone to waste :) These items combined with other things currently in our food pantry have been collected together for our summer baskets, shown below! We will be continuing to arrange these throughout the summer making sure that members of the MH community are able to focus on what is important to them, not necessarily where their next meal will be coming from.

some of the wonderful, fresh vegetables we received!

Keep in mind that we're still accepting donations up until June 24th! We're pretty much accepting anything that can be easily stored in a cool and dry area for a considerable amount of time. Also, if anyone is interested, LocalShare will be delivering foods on Thursdays this summer. If anyone is looking for a fun way to help out in the community, we will be organizing, re-bagging and boxing up these deliveries to distribute them to families. You don't need to be a part of the Weekend Food Support Committee to help, every bit of help we can get would be a great asset!