cauliFLOWER power
It might just be me, but some of this information probably seems a bit repetitive—like my reminders to prepare the soil in advance of planting which you all are definitely doing. Thus, I might just make a post about the basics. I think I already had one about how to prepare the soil, but I will make it more in depth and talk about the reasoning behind certain things. Be forewarned!
Anyway, today’s post is all about cauliflower :D

I am not actually that sure about whether or not we should grow cauliflower as it can be picky about temperature. With our “wacky” weather, our fluctuations might be too much for cauliflower to grow properly. It is a cool weather crop, however we cannot start it too early or it will die of cold and at the same time we need to make sure it has enough time to mature before the summer heat hits. I would suggest starting it indoors around late March or early April and not direct seeding as that might take too long. The seeds should be planted at a depth of about half an inch. Also, cauliflower does not like for its roots to be disturbed so we should probably use the biodegradable pots or be very careful when transplanting.
To be overly cautious, I would suggest putting the cauliflower in the shaded beds in case of temperature fluctuations. This way, even if the temperature randomly gets high, the plants will still have some protection. Make sure that you do not place the cauliflower in the same bed that we have grown broccoli, brussel sprouts, or any of that family for the past four years. This is a preventive measure for disease. When you transplant the seedlings, set each seedling to be about 18 inches away from each other.
In terms of container size, any container that has at least a foot diameter and is a foot tall could work. However, it would be prefered for the container to have a diameter of 16-18 inches.
Like the rest of the plants that we have discussed, it is imperative to make sure that the soil is moist, not soaked, for the best growth. The ideal amount of water is about an inch per week. Be careful about temperature as hot weather can cause the plant to bolt. Buttoning is where the plant undergoes stress and then forms heads that are too small or button-sized. To keep the plant cool, make sure to maintain watering and possibly even mulch.
Something different about cauliflower is that, for white cauliflower, we will need to blanche them. This is because cauliflower heads do not like direct sunlight. Some types are self-blanching and their leaves will curl over the head. Otherwise, we will need to blanche it ourselves. Once the head is about the size of an egg, place three or four of the plant’s leaves over the head and secure them in place with a rubber band. If the cauliflower is not white—if it is purple or orange or whatever—then it does not need to be blanched.
Just like the brussel sprouts, cauliflower is part of the same family as broccoli and thus, face many of the same pests and diseases. After you have blanched the plant, make sure to check under the leaves for any hidden pests.
Once the head is firm and the correct size, as determined by the seed packet, it is ready to be harvested. If you want a definite size and are too lazy to check the seed packet, then an 6 inch diameter is a good size. It is pretty simple to harvest since all you need to do is cut off the head. In addition, the leaves can also be harvested. You do not want to leave the plant for too long or the head will become loose and the flowers will open.
Until Next Time!!!