Summer at the Local Share!
On Thursday, July 9th, MH HOPE members Caroline Cote and Jack Laudati joined Mrs. Paulson, our faculty advisor, for a morning of gleaning at Circle Brook Farm in Green Township. While working with several Local Share volunteers to glean garlic, they learned that many of our local farmers, who regularly support those with food insecurity, need help this year to harvest their foods. Though the focus of the work has changed, HOPE has been persistent in helping feed our community!

Circle Farm works with a family from Guatemala every year to tend to and harvest their farm. They consider their farm workers family and are greatly saddened that they were unable to travel to the United States to work the farm this year. Our HOPE members did their best to replace these vital workers while learning about gleaning and food rescue. They enjoyed a fun and informative morning in the midst of hard work! To ensure safety, social distancing was maintained throughout. Thank you to Caroline's family for transporting Caroline and Jack to Green Township!