Gardeners vs. Fungi (and bugs)
Tragedy has struck. It actually has probably been going on for a while but now its becoming more prominent. We've noticed that the zucchini, pink jumbo banana squash, tomato, and cantaloupe leaves have been turning white because of fungus. Aria and her mom suggested cutting off the leaves before it could spread so...

Nicole did some research and the cause of the fungus is probably the damp weather we've been getting lately. It doesn't affect the fruit but is harmful in the long run only because it will eventually kill the plant. The plan so far is to spray the affected plants (and maybe their neighbors) and see if the fungicide works. If it does not then we will plan for further actions.
Another issue is bugs. The little black dots in the picture are bugs and they appear to be eating at the plant. This is remedied with a pair of scissors and watchful eyes.

On the bright side...

See that plant withe large leaves keeping down the bottom left corner. Its squash. We're not quite sure what kind of squash it is but it is definitely squash. So now we not only have random tomatoes but also random squash.