Wheeling into the New Year
As I plan into the year I mentioned using a wheelbarrow, but I didn't really say too much about what it was going to do and how it is....

A Monday Harvest
I know what you are all thinking: Green tomatoes!!! Isn't that not good!!! Well I am here to correct this misconception! While it is true...

Winter is Coming
Another week, another harvest, and another post by yours truly (:P) about our glorious garden. Thank you to everyone that helped spread...

O-kale Harvests :D
Woah, has it been a long time since our last post! With the onslaught of days off, half days, (not to mention PSATs), I feel that we had...

End Of September Harvest!
After a warm Thursday morning of picking vegetables, we have our third harvest of the school year! We got a variety of greens such as...

School Harvest!
We had our first harvest during the school year!!! There was broccoli, peppers, beans, cucumbers, and of course—tomatoes! For...

Double Trouble ;D
That's right! It's a double update for both last week and this week! So much has happened over the past two weeks! The kale is pretty...

Much Progress is Made :D
Hello! I know I mentioned in the last post that Ajay had finished the greenhouse and here it is!!! The greenhouse looks amazing and the...

No Rest for the Wicked
Just because the school year is almost over (2 more days! or 3 if you are graduating) does NOT mean that gardening is. There's been some...

Productivity in the Garden!!!
It has been a loooooong time and A LOT of progress has been made in the garden! We've weeded ALL of the beds and even pruned one of...