No Rest for the Wicked
Just because the school year is almost over (2 more days! or 3 if you are graduating) does NOT mean that gardening is. There's been some quirky transfer of power going on so some aspects of this website may have been finicky for a time, but we are back! We have accomplished so much since the last blog post including building a new bed, planting EVERYTHING that we had, as well as planting some seeds directly into the beds. That means that currently in the garden we have tomatoes, brussel sprouts, kale, broccoli, potatoes, peppers, basil, scallion, cilantro, and beans.

Building the bed was simultaneously easier and harder than I thought it would be. Although you can't see it in the picture, it actually took about 7-8 people to build this bed. Since there were no nails involved and it was all sliding pieces in place, different people had to hold the pieces to make sure that they were where they were suppose to be. For ease of sliding the pieces together, we built it upside down, a decision we later regretted when we had to flip it over without hitting anyone and still holding the pieces in place. Another tricky part of building the bed was getting enough dirt for there to be a sufficient amount. We tried different methods to maneuver the dirt from using the wheelbarrow to dragging tarp. The end result was definitely worth it and we planted the potatoes and peppers in it!

This is an old picture (actually all of the pictures are since I forgot to get some recent ones) of when we planted the tomatoes. They are all a LOT bigger now.

Here you can see Ajay working with his dad on building the greenhouse. They did an awesome job building it and I am in awe of their skills. Currently, I am roughly 98% positive that the greenhouse is finished and it looks AMAZING!!!
Don't forget to fill out the google form about gardening over the summer so we know which days and times are preferable. Keep an eye out for any emails or posts on google classroom and I can't wait for our summer garden meetings!
Until next time!!