O-kale Harvests :D
Woah, has it been a long time since our last post! With the onslaught of days off, half days, (not to mention PSATs), I feel that we had finally gotten into the swing of school only to dissolve into partial weeks. However, just because this is our first full week of school in October does NOT mean that we have stopped harvesting! In fact, just the opposite has occurred with this accidental buildup of harvest pictures.

Have you been bamboozled by the vibrant vegetables + tomatoes?
As you can see, the harvest has slowly been dwindling, but it has not stopped yet! We are actually still waiting on our brussel sprouts and potatoes to be ready for harvest. Plants that have said their final farewell include: cucumbers, beans, and kale. The broccoli and tomatoes are steadily heading toward their final harrah while the scallions are still remaining strong. Lettuce is ready for harvest and we need to watch out for any bolting. In addition, the peppers appear to be oscillating between "I am ready for harvest!" and "just ONE more week" as they stubbornly refuse to change color. At some point we're going to determine the cut-off day—the day where we harvest anything that is safe to eat regardless of color. Green tomatoes may not sound too appealing to eat, nonetheless there are actually quite a few recipes that feature them.
I know I've mentioned this in a previous post; I can't get over the weirdness of potatoes. What other plant can you immediately think of that signals it is ready for harvest through dead flowers? I'm pretty sure that potato harvesting was discussed in a post before so I'll just find that post and add it to the Related Posts which, by the way, is a super cool feature.
We shouldn't need to worry about the brussel sprouts too much because they can withstand frost until there is a hard freeze. Until we reach that point though, the brussel sprouts are safe!
See ya next time!!