So Much Squash

Alexa showed up today!!! You can also see in the background (going from leftish to right) the kitchen box/stair thing, pink jumbo banana squash, cantaloupe (kinda), peppers, and tomatoes. Blocked by the tree are the zucchini, watermelon, and other peppers. In the kitchen box are a single tomato plant, squash (we think), some sort of grassy thing, and string beans! The string beans look ready for harvest but they're apparently suppose to just snap off when you tug at it. We're going to wait a week and then see if they're ready then. The squash (we assumed since it had the flowers) is creeping toward the peppers so you have to watch your step when you're walking there.
IT HAS FINALLY OCCURRED!!! A tiny baby cantaloupe has been spotted! Hopefully more will appear soon and the cantaloupe will mature enough before the frost comes.

Remember the lonely watermelon plants (there's only two maybe one if I recall correctly), they grew A LOT. One of them practically takes up their entire half a box! No actual watermelon has appeared however.

This was probably a while ago, but recall when we mentioned that we were waiting for the peppers to turn red for harvest. Our patience was tested and we may have thought it would never occur, yet it did! It isn't just one pepper either, a bunch of them are reddening!!

The okra has sprouted flowers, however its not ready for harvest yet. You see the pointy green thing that's circled, once its about 2-3 inches long its ready for harvest. Don't wait until its bigger then that since the pod becomes woody and hard.

The pink jumbo banana squash were really big so we checked and once they're pinkish then they are ready for harvest. We ended up picking two and one of them is as long as my forearm!