Weather to Water or Not
Hello! This technically was for last week but... ha ha.
Anyways, if you hadn't noticed already, we've been getting a LOT of rain lately. Mostly because of Hurricane Florence but the weather's been weird just in general this year. From the winds that blew over the greenhouse to the fluctuating temperatures, well what is normal anyway?
I just thought I might emphasize the importance of not over-watering and how to know when to water. We might have the instinct to water pretty much every day but that is actually bad for the plants. You can judge if the plants need watering based off of how the soil looks. If the soil is moist then there's no need. However, you can't just judge from looking, you want to actually touch the soil to properly tell if it is wet. Also, you should probably scoop up a little to see how the soil is below the top.
When you do actually water, don't just water the top layer of soil. Make sure that the water is actually being absorbed by the soil and don't be afraid to touch it! You're a gardener, get your hands dirty!

Anyway, here are the three harvests we've had since I last posted. We finally harvested the squash!!