Weather Whiplash
It's hard to imagine just at the beginning of this week you could've gone outside in nothing more than a t-shirt and shorts and feel warm. I have to wear two jackets outside now just to feel warm and people are starting to wear their winter clothes at school (at least people in marching band are).
We don't just have harvesting to think about anymore, we also have to keep in mind that we should be in the process of cleaning up in preparation of winter. The cilantro has already been completely harvested but the scallions are more complicated. At my house, we have some growing by the side of our house and my mom also keeps some in a random cup. As long as you keep the roots and don't pull them up, then they tend to regrow. Whether or not they'll be there next spring if we don't uproot them, well, it's a possibility.
In terms of the swiss chard, it's currently still growing...

The leaves are getting kind of long but I sort of want to wait until we harvest the cabbage so that it can just be one harvest.
Which brings us to the cabbage! They've actually started growing faster once it started cooling down a bit, at least that's what it looks like so far. You can actually see the heads for each plant!!!

They aren't quite ready for harvesting yet since you need to wait until the head feels solid to harvest. They should be ready soon though! :}
Tomatoes are well...tomatoes. They're starting to die off since it got colder. There are still a few growing; I've been 'pruning' the vines/branches that turn brown and are basically dead.

That's it for this update!! Here's a picture of some of the flowers by the welcome path that began to bloom about two weeks ago-ish.