Update: Week #1
It has been one week since the meeting where we began planting. There's actually been quite a bit of growth already as one of the tomato seedlings have sprouted along with a couple of lettuce and kale! I can't wait until all the snow is gone and we can start preparing the actual garden boxes (AKA build the ones we need and weed).

The lights are even set on a timer (Thank You Ms. Ghetti!) so that the seedlings are not perpetually receiving "sunlight". Also, the top shelf is clear so I might move two of the trays up just so that the seedlings on the ends can receive more light.
I know I wrote last time that I would write about the process if I couldn't find a post already and...I couldn't find it. If one does exist then it was very good at hiding and, either way, it can't hurt to repeat information. The basic process is rather simple: fill the container with soil, put the seeds in, cover the seeds with soil, water them until the soil is moist, and put it under the light. Voila! The more specifics of the process really depend on the type of plant and would really only affect the depth of the seed, how many seeds per container, etc.
Until next week (hopefully if I remember)!