jack POT (marigold)
I guess you could call this a holiday present? Woo hoo! Christmas is here! Have a bunch of gardening posts!! Be prepared for more ;} I...

Pruning in the New Year
Merry Christmas everyone!!! I hope you are all having a marvelous break :D I've been compiling research on a variety of herbs,...

Garden Meeting 10/30
Sorry for the delay! This post is just a general summary on what we did on October 30 so... We cleaned up the garden in preparation for...

Thyme Time
Hello!! So we're starting the series of posts that basically keep updates on the planning for next year. As I have mentioned in numerous...

Plant Pals
Hello!! So this week not much has been going on in the garden. We're (AKA me) planning on figuring out a date and asking all the other...

Weather Whiplash
It's hard to imagine just at the beginning of this week you could've gone outside in nothing more than a t-shirt and shorts and feel...

End of Summer
It's literally the last day of August and this is the first blog post during summer vacation (haha). As a quick refresher in May-Juneish...

Well...That's Terrific
Remember how in the last post I mentioned that in the next post (this one) I would have a picture of the greenhouse. I have the picture...

second PLANTing
This time was a LOT quicker when it came to updating. So today we had another planting session since the previous batch (patch, group,...

First PLANTing
It's been a while but at the March 20 meeting (over a month ago whoops :( ) we began planting seeds! We planted mustard, lettuce, swiss...